Chip 2007 January, February, March & April
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Pegasus mail 4.41
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620 lines
# Mercury/32 Basic Content Control rule file.
# Copyright (c) 2002-2003, David Harris; portions copyright (c) 2002 David Kocmoud.
# For information on the syntax and format of this file, please consult
# the "Content control" section of the Mercury/32 Help file.
# This set of rules is intended to catch a wide range of unwanted mail
# messages where the content is commercial or sexual in nature. It works
# quite well (at the time of writing anyway) but you will almost certainly
# want or need to adjust it over time to deal with the specific types of
# content you want to filter. This rule set is designed to be used with a
# definition where the trigger weight is set to 50.
# Note that many of the rules in this file have negative weights: this is
# a useful way of "promoting" a message that might otherwise be detected
# as having unacceptable content.
# Check for "Lazy HTML", almost always a sure sign of spam
if Test "LazyHTML strict" weight 51 tag "Message contains Lazy HTML"
# Check for iFrame tags
if Test "HasIFrame" weight 51 tag "Probable iFrame virus attack"
# Check for excessive numbers of HTML comments
if Test "HTMLComments 10" weight 51 tag "Too many HTML comments"
# Check for an unreasonable number of spaces in the subject
if Subject matches "* +*" weight 51
# Check for unreasonable numbers of high-bit characters - a fairly
# reliable sign of unreadable Asian spam.
if Test "Garbage 25" weight 51
# Give a small weight to messages containing URLs in the .BIZ TLD
if body matches "*http:*.biz*" weight 15
# Check for all variations of "viagra" and similar products in subject and body
# Note that the "obfuscated" keyword, which is used to trap doctored versions of
# trigger words like "vi@gra", can be abbreviated to "ob".
if subject contains "viagra" obfuscated weight 51
if subject contains "viapro" ob weight 51
if subject has "cialis" ob weight 51
if subject has "cialagen" ob weight 51
if subject has "climagel" ob weight 51
if subject has "VPRX" ob weight 51
if body contains "viagra" ob weight 40
if body contains "viapro" ob weight 40
if body has "cialis" ob weight 40
if body has "cialagen" ob weight 40
if body has "climagel" ob weight 40
if body has "VPRX" ob weight 40
# Check for other pharmacy and drug-related stuff
if subject contains "xanax" ob weight 51
if body contains "xanax" ob weight 40
if subject contains "vicodin" ob weight 51
if body contains "vicodin" ob weight 40
if subject contains "valium" ob weight 51
if body contains "valium" ob weight 30
if content contains "phentermine" ob weight 30
if content contains "finasteride" ob weight 40
if content has "ambien" ob weight 30
if Subject matches "*/spharmacy/s*" weight 40
if Subject hasall "online, pharmacy" weight 51
if Subject hasall "on-line, pharmacy" weight 51
if content has "prescription" ob weight 15
if content has "meds" weight 30
if content has "pharmacy" weight 20
if content hasall "diet, patch" ob weight 30
if content contains "medication" ob weight 15
# Check for penile enlargement
if Subject has "penis" ob weight 51 tag "Penis enlargement ad"
if Subject contains "enlargement"
and Subject has "Penis, Penile" ob weight 51 tag "Penis enlargement ad"
if Body has "penis" ob weight 35 tag "Penis enlargement ad"
if Body hasall "penis, enlargement" ob weight 21 tag "Penis enlargement ad"
if Content hasall "premature, ejaculation" ob weight 40 tag "Sex pills ad"
if Content contains "increasethelength" ob weight 25 tag "Penis enlargement ad"
if Body contains "penissize" ob weight 40
if Body hasall "penissize, largerpenis" ob weight 51
if Body hasall "penis, gain, inches" ob weight 51
if Body hasall "increase, size, penis" ob weight 51 tag "Penis enlargement ad"
if content contains "breastenlargement" ob weight 51 tag "Breast enlargement ad"
# Adjust for filtering of listserv messages
if Subject matches "Rejected posting to*" weight -9999
# Check for subject lines starting with "ADV:"
if Subject matches "/sADV/s:*" weight 51
# Check for subject lines ending with a date/time stamp. e.g. "3/10/02 8:14:07 PM"
if Subject matches "*[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+ +[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+ +[AP]M" weight 77
# Check for a "Comments: Authenticated sender..." header with no
# matching X-Mailer header (a common, although older spam signature).
if header "comments" contains "authenticated sender"
andnot exists "X-Mailer" weight 30
# Check for special headers that reek of spam
if exists "X-PMG-Recipient" weight 51
# Check for messages with no "Date" field - this is illegal under
# RFC2822 anyway, and is usually a pretty good indicator of spam
ifnot exists "Date" weight 51
# Check for content suggesting unwanted "commercial services"
if Content matches "*Access*IRA funds taxfree*penalty[- ]free*" weight 51
if Content matches "*Access*IRA*no*tax*penalty*" weight 51
if Subject contains "get out of debt" weight 50
if Subject contains "debt reduction" weight 50
if Subject contains "credit card debt" weight 50
if Subject matches "*accept credit car[td]s*" weight 51
if Content contains "no credit card required" weight 40
if Subject contains "get paid for " weight 50
if Subject contains "get paid while " weight 50
if Subject matches "*guaranteed*return*investment*" weight 50
if Subject contains "low interest loan" weight 50
if Subject contains "lowest mortgage rates" weight 50
if Subject contains "bad credit" weight 50
if Content contains "online casino" weight 50
if Content contains "on-line casino" weight 50
if Content contains "multilevel market" weight 30
if Subject contains "increase your net worth" weight 30
if Subject contains " pay you " weight 30
if Subject matches "*paycheck*paycheck*" weight 30
if Subject contains "take surveys" weight 30
if Subject contains "fire your boss" weight 50
if Subject contains " work from home" weight 40
if Subject contains " work at home" weight 40
if Subject matches "*mak* money at home*" weight 50
if Subject contains "make money on" weight 50
if Subject contains "make more money" weight 50
if Subject contains "want more money" weight 50
if Subject contains "pile of cash" weight 50
if Subject contains "save $" weight 50
if Subject contains "save money" weight 50
if Subject contains "stock pick" weight 40
if Subject contains "stock play" weight 40
if Subject contains "stockwatch" weight 40
if Subject contains "OTCBB:" weight 40
if Subject contains "watch this stock" weight 40
if Subject contains "win cash" weight 50
if Subject contains "win money" weight 50
if Subject contains "win $" weight 50
if Subject contains "venture"
and Subject contains "capital" weight 50
if Sender contains "investor insights" weight 50
if subject matches "*create*paycheck*home*" weight 51
# Check for content suggesting unwanted sexual "services"
if Subject contains "adult entertainment" weight 50
if Subject contains "adult web" weight 50
if Subject contains "adult site" weight 50
if Subject contains "adult video" weight 50
if Subject contains "barely legal" weight 50
if Subject contains "bondage" weight 40
if Subject contains "erotica" weight 40
if Subject contains "fetish" weight 40
if Subject contains "fisting" weight 40
if Subject contains "fuck" weight 40
if Subject contains "hardcore" weight 10
if Subject contains "horny" weight 20
if Subject contains "naughty" weight 10
if Subject contains "naked" weight 20
if Subject contains "porn " weight 40
if Subject contains "pussy" weight 25
if subject contains "pussies" weight 25
if Subject contains "nude celeb" weight 50
if Subject contains "sex" weight 10
if Subject contains "slut" weight 40
if Subject contains "sleaze" weight 20
if Subject contains "whore" weight 50
if Subject matches "*/cXXX*" weight 30
if subject has "f12ee" or subject has "fl2ee" weight 51
if subject has "seks" or subject has "secks" weight 51
if subject has "toon, toons" weight 30
# Bogus diet/health/vanity stuff
if Subject contains "fat blocker" weight 30
if Subject contains "Liposuction" weight 30
if Subject contains "Obesity" weight 30
if Subject contains "Weight Loss" weight 50
if Subject hasall "coral, calcium" weight 51
if Content contains "medically proven" weight 40
# Bulk e-mail Spam stuff
if Subject matches "*million*addresses*" weight 50
if Subject matches "*bulk*email*" weight 50
# Other sales stuff
if Subject contains "below wholesale price" weight 30
if Subject contains "buy wholesale" weight 30
if Subject matches "*cell*phone*" weight 30
if Subject contains "descrambler" weight 30
if Subject contains "dream vacation" weight 30
if Subject matches "*earn*bonus*points*" weight 60
if Subject contains "free gift" weight 30
if Subject contains "get more hits" weight 50
if Subject contains "increase sales" weight 30
if Subject contains "INCREDIBLE SOFTWARE BARGAIN" weight 30
if Subject contains "Internet Detective" weight 50
if Subject contains "Internet Spy" weight 50
if Subject contains "Life Insurance Quotes" weight 30
if Subject contains "limited time offer" weight 50
if Subject contains "mortgage rates" weight 30
if Subject contains "need Life Insurance" weight 50
if Subject contains "psychic reading" weight 50
if Subject contains "site need more traffic" weight 50
if Subject contains "stop smoking" weight 50
if Subject matches "*web*promotion service*" weight 50
if Subject matches "*save* on *" weight 30
if Subject contains "No Fee!" weight 40
if Subject contains "Paying Too Much" weight 40
if Subject contains "Or Your Money Back" weight 40
if Subject matches "*/cFREE[E!*, ]*" weight 50
if sender contains "vividnews" weight 50
if sender contains "vividinsid" weight 50
if sender contains "Bulkmail" weight 45
if subject hasall "cable, descrambler" ob weight 51
# Chinese Spam: note that users in China will almost certainly
# have to disable these tests - they are intended solely for
# Westerners who are inundated with rubbish originating from
# within Mainland China and Taiwan.
if header "Content-Type" contains "Big5" weight 45
if header "Content-Type" contains "GB2312" weight 45
# Check for URL using dotted-IP-address
if body matches "*tp:??[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.*" weight 20
# Match spam that claims not to be spam because it "adheres" to the
# ridiculous 105C 1618 section 301 legislation.
if body matches "*1618*section 301*" weight 51
if body matches "*section 301*1618*" weight 51
# Viral stuff - not intended to replace competent virus scanning,
# but easy to do for a few of the most common cases
if subject matches "*Snow*Seven*Dwar*REAL*story*" weight 51
# Body matches - all the rules below this point test the message
# body. This has more of an impact on the time it takes to process
# the rule set than header processing does.
# Check for body content suggesting unwanted "commercial services"
if body contains "credit card debt" weight 50
if body contains "credit card bills" weight 40
if body contains "credit rating" weight 20
if body contains "Accept Credit Car" weight 50
if body contains "Accept Major Credit Car" weight 50
if body contains "bad credit" weight 30
if body contains "damaged credit" weight 30
if body contains "your credit rating" weight 50
if body contains "consolidate your debt" weight 50
if body contains "entrepreneurial" weight 30
if body contains "earn good money" weight 30
if body contains "IRA Liberation Process" weight 70
if body contains "financial freedom" weight 50
if body contains "financial security" weight 40
if body contains "stockwatch" weight 40
if body contains "OTCBB:" weight 40
if body contains "(Stock Symbol: " weight 40
if body contains "refinance your home" weight 40
if body matches "*take control*your*financial future*" weight 40
if body contains "venture capital" weight 40
if body contains "investor insights" weight 50
if body contains "forward looking statements" weight 50
if body matches "*section 27a*securities act of 1933*" weight 50
if body matches "*section 21b*securities exchange act of 1934*" weight 50
if body contains "investment advice" weight 50
if body contains "future marketing messages" weight 50
if body contains "get out of debt" weight 50
if body contains "outstanding debt" weight 40
if body contains "low interest loan" weight 10
if body contains "high interest rates" weight 10
if body matches "*income*from home*" weight 10
if body matches "*need*additional income*" weight 10
if body contains "multilevel market" weight 10
if body contains " lottery " weight 20
if body contains " lotto " weight 20
if body contains " jackpot " weight 20
if body contains "pay you" weight 10
if body contains "reduce your debt" weight 50
if body contains "stop throwing your money away" weight 50
if body contains "fire your boss" weight 50
if body contains "work from home" weight 40
if body contains "work at home" weight 20
if body contains "you have nothing to lose" weight 30
if body contains "you have nothing to loose" weight 30
if body contains "should not be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security" weight 88
if body contains "not a solicitation or recommendation to buy" weight 88
if body contains "not an offer to buy or sell securities" weight 88
if body matches "*highly speculative* risk*" weight 88
if body hasall "Stephan, Ducharme" weight 51
if body hasall "earning money, eBay" weight 51
if body hasall "earn, extra, income" weight 51
if body hasall "limited, time, only" weight 40
if body contains "independent marketing" weight 25
if body hasall "need, more, money, apply, grant"
weight 51 tag "Spurious Federal Grants guide"
if body contains "to learn more about" weight 30
if body matches "*must be*years*to*" weight 30
if body contains "clickhere" ob weight 30
if body matches "*/cGUARANTEED*" weight 20
if body hasall "offer, lowest, rates" weight 20
if body hasall "copy, dvd, movie" ob weight 40
if body contains "is banned from" or body contains "is banned in" weight 15
if body hasall "mortgage, dollars, loan" weight 25
if body contains "private chat room" weight 25
if body contains "video poker" weight 25
if body contains "chance to win" weight 15
if body matches "*/sbuy real estate*" weight 25
if body contains "money machine" weight 25
if body contains "government secur" weight 15
if body hasall "copy, DVD, download" weight 30
if body hasall "buy, sell, performing, debt" weight 30
if body contains "make a fortune" weight 30
if body contains "future mailings" weight 30
if body contains "100 percent" weight 15
if body contains "fuelsaverpro" ob weight 51 tag "Fuel saver spam"
if body matches "*boost*gas*mileage*" weight 40 tag "Fuel saver spam"
if body contains "youmustrespondby" ob
and body hasall "staff, students, computers" weight 51
if body hasall "fortune, ebay" ob weight 40
if body hasall "cable, descrambler" ob weight 51
if content hasall "digital, cable" weight 25
if content contains "digitalcablefilter" ob weight 30
if body hasall "mini, radiocontrolled" ob weight 40
if body hasall "refinance, mortgage" weight 40
# Check for body content suggesting unwanted sexual "services"
if body contains "adult entertainment" weight 20
if body contains "adult web" weight 20
if body contains "adult site" weight 20
if body contains "barely legal*teens" weight 50
if body contains " hardcore " weight 20
if body contains "prefer girls" weight 40
if body contains " naked " weight 10
if body contains " unclothed " weight 10
if body contains " nude " weight 20
if body contains " ass " weight 10
if body contains "improve sex" weight 30
if body contains "pussy" weight 15
if body contains "hugecock" ob weight 25
if body contains "sexual experience" weight 40
if body contains " erections" weight 10
if body contains " sexlover" weight 50
if body contains "sexual preferences" weight 20
if body contains "* sexx+ *" weight 50
if body contains " sexshows" weight 50
if body contains " sex shows" weight 40
if body contains " sleaze" weight 20
if body contains "gangbang" or body contains "gang-bang" weight 40
if body contains " titties" weight 20
if body contains "adult video" weight 30
if body hasall "adult, action, female" weight 40
if body has "anal" weight 20
if body contains "anal sex" weight 20
if body has "bondage" weight 20
if body has "horny" weight 20
if body contains " fetish" weight 20
if body has "fuck, fucked, fucking" weight 40 tag "The F word"
if body has "cunt, cunts" weight 40 tag "The C word"
if body contains " fisting" weight 40
if body contains " cock " weight 20
if body has "cum" weight 20
if body has "cumm" weight 20
if body contains " cummshot" weight 50
if body contains " cumshot" weight 50
if body has "rape, raped" weight 20
if body contains "hot puss" weight 25
if body contains "pussies" weight 25
if body has "bitch" weight 15
if body has "slut" weight 40
if body has "whore" weight 40
if body matches "*/smust be*18*old/s*" weight 40
if body contains "no minors allowed" weight 40
if body matches "*Hardcore/wPorno*" weight 111
if body has "Porno" weight 40
if body contains " sex software" weight 111
if body contains " sexsoftware" weight 50
if body contains "$$$$$$$$$$$$$" weight 51
if body hasall "probably don't remember me, website" weight 51
if body hasall "teen, cock, suck" weight 51
if body hasall "free, day, trial" weight 30
if body hasall "young, teen, video" weight 30
if body hasall "young, teenage, video" weight 30
if body hasall "porn, chick, pictures" weight 51
if body has "toon, toons" weight 30
if body hasall "XXX, free" weight 40
if body contains "adult movie" weight 40
if body matches "*found*your*profile*web*" weight 30
if body matches "*seen your profile on*picture*" weight 51
if body hasall "Paris, Hilton" ob and body contains "http:" weight 51
# Check for deliberate misspellings of common "trigger" words - the
# misspelling is a dead giveaway that the message is spam.
if content contains "p0rn" weight 51
if content contains "p@rn" weight 51
if content contains "penφs" weight 51
if content contains "tenage" weight 30
if content has "medic@tion, medic@l" weight 51
if content matches "*/sph@rmacist*" weight 51
if content matches "*/spharm@cist*" weight 51
if content contains "rem0ve" weight 51
if content contains "6uarantee" weight 51
# Check for body content suggesting spurious diet/health stuff
if body contains "Liposuction" weight 20
if body has "Obesity" weight 10
if body contains "stop smoking" weight 20
if body contains "WeightLoss" ob weight 30
if body contains "loseweight" ob weight 30
if body contains "loose weight" weight 30
if body contains "burning fat" weight 30
if body contains "no hunger pains" weight 30
if body contains "lose weight while you sleep" weight 30
if body contains "health insurance" weight 25
if body contains "medical premium" weight 25
if body has "penile, ejaculation, sildenafil" weight 30
if body contains "no doctor visit" or body contains "no doctor's visit" weight 30
if body matches "/c*HGH*" weight 40
if body hasall "sexual, enhancer" weight 40
if body hasall "dietary, supplement" weight 15
if body contains "online" and body has "prescription, pharmacies, pharmacy" weight 40
if body contains "on-line" and body has "prescription, pharmacies, pharmacy" weight 40
if subject matches "/c*HGH*"
and body hasall "human, growth, hormone" weight 51
if body hasall "human, growth, hormone" weight 40
if body hasall "coral, calcium" weight 51
if body has "H?G?H" weight 51
if body contains "H G H" weight 51
if body contains "fat loss" weight 25
if body contains "wrinkle reduction" weight 25
if body contains "reverses aging" weight 25
if body matches "*/senhance your sex*" weight 30
if body has "colon" weight 20
if body hasall "colon, cleanser" ob weight 31
if body contains "productsworkbesttogether" ob weight 40
if body contains "herbalsupplements" ob weight 40
if body contains "enhancingoil" ob weight 40
# Check the body for evidence of scams - in particular the ludicrous
# "Nigerian funds transfer" scam.
if body hasall "Nigeria, million, dollars, transfer"
weight 51 tag "Nigerian 419 Scam"
if body hasall "Nigeria, million, dollars, invest"
weight 51 tag "Nigerian 419 Scam 2"
if body hasall "Liberia, million, dollars, transfer"
weight 51 tag "Liberian 419 Scam"
if body hasall "Angola, million, dollars, transfer"
weight 51 tag "Angolan 419 Scam"
if body hasall "Africa, million, dollars, transfer"
weight 51 tag "Generic 419 Scam"
if body hasall "Sese, Seko, million"
weight 51 tag "Sese Seko 419 Scam"
if body hasall "Sese-Seko, million"
or body hasall "Sese-Seko, billion"
or body hasall "Sese-Seko, billions"
weight 51 tag "Sese Seko 419 Scam"
if body hasall "Abacha, million"
weight 51 tag "Maryam Abacha 419 Scam"
if body hasall "Sierra Leone, Coleman, million"
weight 51 tag "Sierra Leone 419 Scam"
if body matches "*surprise*receive*know*personally*"
and body hasall "million, transfer"
weight 51 tag "Generic 419 Scam"
if body hasall "confidence, confidential, 000, US$, contract"
weight 51 tag "Generic 419 Scam"
if body hasall "million, US, confidential" ob
weight 40 tag "Possible 419 scam?"
if body hasall "feelsorryfor, everyone, diesomeday, million" ob
weight 51 tag "Silly 419 sympathy scam"
if body contains "endeavourtouseditfor" ob
weight 51 tag "Silly 419 sympathy scam #2"
if body contains "Nigeria" weight 30
if body contains "Federal Government of Nigeria" weight 999
if body contains "Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation" weight 999
if body contains "Bank of Nigeria" weight 40
if body contains "Bank in Africa" weight 40
if body contains "transfer to overseas" weight 40
if body contains "time machine" and body contains "vortex generator" weight 999
if body contains "promises for fear of facing a multimillion dollar class action suit" weight 999
if body contains "Intel and AOL are now discussing a merger" weight 999
if body contains "Microsoft will pay you" weight 999
if body matches "*(*Million United States Dollars)*" weight 999
if body contains "South Africa Foreign Exchange" weight 999
if body contains "arrangement and come to Johannesburg South Africa" weight 999
# Check the body for suggestions that the message might be peddling
# spam creation or distribution tools.
if body contains "bulk e-mail" weight 30
if body contains "bulk email" weight 30
if body contains " bulkmail" weight 30
if body contains "mass mailing service" weight 30
if body contains "mass marketing" weight 30
if body contains "mass messages" weight 30
if body matches "*million*addresses*" weight 30
if content contains "bulker" weight 51
if body hasall "Email, marketing, inexpensive, promote, targeted" weight 40
# Look in the body for a few addresses intimately associated with
# spam or other unwanted marketing activities.
if body contains "www.try-it-free.net" weight 50
if body contains "www.lendlink.net" weight 50
if body contains "www.safelockrecords.com" weight 50
if body contains "www.overnightrx.com" weight 50
if body contains "usavemore.k666.com" weight 50
if body contains "chicago20s.com" weight 50
if body contains "hudsonleickfan.com" weight 50
if body contains "good-insurance-rates.com" weight 50
if body contains "0mbra.com" weight 50
if body contains "www.geheime-seite.da.ru" weight 90
if body contains "dirtcheapdomain.com" weight 50
if body contains "kiss.com" weight 50
if body contains "edirectnetwork.net" weight 50
if body contains "37500hits4u.com" weight 50
if body contains "emailhello.com" weight 50
if body contains "bestcheapstuff.com" weight 50
if body contains "classmates.com" weight 50
if body contains "elucky-casino.com" weight 50
if body contains "israeliconnections.com" weight 50
if body contains "asiawholesalers.com" weight 50
if body contains "naturaldepot.com" weight 50
if body contains "swapselltrade.com" weight 50
# Other Sales stuff
if body contains "money-back guarantee" weight 40
if body contains "money back guarantee" weight 40
if body contains "no credit check" weight 50
if body matches "*make more money*web*" weight 40
if body matches "*f +r +e +e*" weight 50
if body contains "absolutely free" weight 20
if body contains "descrambler" weight 30
if body contains "free DVD trial" weight 50
if body contains "eValueMarketing" weight 66
if body contains "get more hits" weight 20
if body contains "limited time offer" weight 30
if body contains "increase sales" weight 10
if body contains "INCREDIBLE SOFTWARE BARGAIN" weight 20
if body contains "Internet Detective" weight 50
if body contains "Internet marketing" weight 50
if body contains "Internet Spy" weight 50
if body contains "No Credit Check" weight 30
if body contains "no obligation" weight 30
if body contains "no obligation quote" weight 30
if body contains "free quote" weight 30
if body contains "pay-per-view" weight 30
if body contains "new home loan" weight 30
if body matches "*refinance*home loan*" weight 30
if body contains "paying more than" and body contains "mortgage" weight 40
if body contains "save up to" weight 10
if body contains "site need more traffic" weight 50
if body contains "term life insurance" weight 40
if body contains "free online quote" weight 40
if body contains "buy term life insurance" weight 40
if body matches "*web*promotion service*" weight 50
if body contains "satisfaction guarantee" weight 10
if body contains "your money back" weight 20
if body hasall "click/Where, protect your computer" weight 40
if body matches "*receive*mail*only*once*" weight 40
if body contains "paying too much" or body contains "pay too much" weight 30
if body contains "100% Free" weight 40
if body contains "1oo% Free" weight 51
if body hasall "casino, sportsbook" weight 51
if body contains "100% legal" weight 51
if body has "lender, lenders" and body hasall "compete, loan" weight 30
if body hasall "mortgage, lender, compete, business" weight 51
if body hasall "discovered, website, mortgage" weight 51
if body matches "*/cJOIN/WFOR/WFREE*" weight 51
if body contains "diploma"
and body has "non-accredited, university" weight 51
if body contains "make money on the web" weight 40
if body contains "make money on" weight 20
if body contains "want to make money" weight 20
if body has "/cFREE" weight 20
# Check for certain key words and phrases commonly found in promotional spam
if body matches "*you*been chosen to receive*" weight 51
if body contains "the previous was an advertisement" weight 51
if body matches "*not wish to receive*e-mail*promotion*" weight 51
if body contains "this is not a solicitation" weight 30
if body contains "to be removed from" weight 21
if body contains "to remove yourself from" weight 21
if body contains " opt-in" weight 21
if body contains " opt-out" weight 21
if body contains "opt out" weight 21
if body contains " optout" weight 21
if body has "opted/Win" weight 40
if body has "opted/Win" and body contains "affiliate" weight 51
if body matches "*This*may*recurring mailing*" weight 51
if body matches "*is a one*time*mail*" weight 40
if body contains "No request for removal is necessary" weight 99
if body hasall "cannot be considered spam, removal" weight 51
if body matches "*1618*Title III*105th US Congress*" weight 51
if body matches "*This is not*spam*was sent to you because*" weight 99
if body hasall "click here, unsubscribe" weight 30
if body matches "*was sent*because*not*wish*receive*" weight 40
if body hasall "opportunity, change, life, forever, earn, free" weight 30
if body matches "*no longer*receive*offer*mail*" weight 40
if body has "partner/Wsite" or body has "partner/Wsites" weight 30
if body matches "*your*privacy*important to us*" weight 40
if body matches "*This is not*!*is a friendly*" weight 40
if body has "clickheretoenter" ob weight 40
if body contains "enter here" weight 30
# Viral stuff - not intended to replace competent virus scanning,
# but easy to do for a few of the most common cases
if body matches "*You*I send this to you*advice*" weight 51
if body matches "*This*mail*never sent unsolicited*" weight 51
if body matches "*attached*product*part*official*campaign*popularity*" weight 51